Our Rules
- Classes begin in the month of April and continue until March.
- Students and their parents should observe punctuality which is an important aspect of personality development. The children should be left in school fifteen minutes before the class and should be picked up from the school fifteen minutes after the class. If due to unforeseen circumstances a student cannot be picked up in time the class teacher should be informed.
- Before coming to school the child must be made answer to the call of nature, brush his/her teeth, bathe, eat a nutritious breakfast and be dressed neatly in a clean uniform. All seasonal clothings such as sweater, raincoat and blazer etc. should have name or names embroidered on them. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any nameless articles.
- Children must not be sent to school with toys, money, ornaments etc. The school will not be responsible if any of these articles are lost. Fee money must not be given to the children.
- If parents wish to celebrate the birthday of their child at school, it can be previously arranged with the teachers. Pencils, erasers, balls, balloons & pens etc. may be distributed to the children.
Only fruits (Fresh and dry) grams, nuts & jaggery sweets are allowed.
- The lunch box of the child should be packed neatly and should not be put with the school bag as it spoils the books (Please see Recommended Food Ltd.)
- In order to preserve rapport between teacher and pupil, observation and visit by parents/guardians during school hours are not allowed Teachers are available for consultation on IInd only Saturday (From 9 a.m 11 a.m)
- Parents/guardians are requested not to consult any teachers during the working hours.
- Children who are sick should not be sent to school. Children suffering from infectious diseases must not be sent to school, until they are completely cured are doctor’s certificate is obtained.
- Parents/ guardians must check the child’s diary and sign it daily.
For Parents
- School will be kept open on all the six days of a week. Parents – Teacher Consultation will be held only on fourth Saturdays.
- All parents should check and sign diary daily.
- All parents should send the children to school in neat and clean uniform and according to the suitability of the weather.
- Please ensure that the children hair is free of lice, dandruff, dirt and excessive oil. Parents should also see to it that their child’s nails are short and clean. Nail polish & henna is strictly prohibited.
- Parents should notify the school in case of change of address, telephone numbers etc. well in advance.
- Parents should inform the school about situations like birth, death, separation from a joint family etc. as these kinds of situations are confusing for children and they need a lot of emotional security and understanding in order to pass through these events without being mentally or emotionally bruised and the school can play an important role in this matter.
- Parents should meet the teacher regularly on parents teacher consultations day to discuss the academics and personality development of their child.
- All parents must pick up the results on the notified day and time. In case parents cannot come on the day given, they must inform the school in writing and collect it on the next day given from the Office.
Please note that the result will not be handed over to any other person except parents until the person submits a letter of authority signed by anyone of the parents.
Payments Of The School Fees
- All students are required to pay 12 (twelve) months fee for the each academic year.
- The school fees are to be paid in 12 (twelve) equal instalments annuality i.e from April to March every year.
- The school fee will be collected without fine from 1st to 15th of the month due for depositing: but afterwards a late fee will charged as per school rules.
- Fee may be deposited in advance for any number of the months if desired.
- The fee will be collected by Punjab and Sindh BANK, haridwar from 1st to 15th of the month due for depositing from Monday to Friday between 09:00 a.m. amd 01 :00 p.m & on Saturdays between 10:00 a.m. and 01.00 p.m.
Admissions are open for the Academic Session.
For any query you may kindly contact Us